Friday, August 16, 2013

Aaug 16

2 months down, 16 more to go! Man how fast time goes! I still feel like a totally newbie (well I am until I start training someone apparently). I'm constantly learning, more often than not I learn the most from my investigators.
Monday - Relaxed, ate pizza with our Elders before a Elder leaves for Peru.
Tuesday - Bingo! I hot to play. One man is just the cutest grandpa! Worked on our talks (we spoke on Sunday). Got in a car accident. Went to dinner and had fajitas! They were great! Completely different than the fajitas we had at another house, but still delicious. We pass around a calendar every Sunday for members to sign up to feed us. On this month’s calendar it had a "spot light" about me. On it for favorite food was "Anything Mexican!" and our members have delivered! I should probably also elaborate on the car accident. My companion hit the car in front of us. Nothing major, no injuries, no damage to either of the cars. Just a lot of thanksgiving to our Heavenly Father, I know He is always watching over us.
Wednesday - Transfers were today! Not that it changed anything for me. It was super foggy on our bike ride this morning. Super cool! I'm a pro at being a cashier at St Vincent’s now, pretty fun volunteering there. We went and taught investigators, they are so awesome.
Thursday - We went to a field trip to Neville Public Museum with N.E.W Curative (we pushed wheelchairs around). Pretty neat place, we went there again today (8/12/13) with a different group. We were able to see invesetigators. He has such a strong testimony and faith in God and God's purpose for Him, once again! She gave us each a picture of their baby boy (who is 7m old), cutest baby boy! We got an estimate for our car, it would be $200 to fix the little damage that was done. I don't think the church is actually going to have it fixed, its just the grill and only there to be pretty. I was able to meet  (our new elder) I thought he was from England because he speaks so proper, but no, he is from Utah. If you have time read Proverbs 3:5, it's our investigators favorite scripture. I eat way too much junk food (don't worry I eat plenty of fruits and veggies), luckily biking as much as we do I've actually gained so much muscle!
Friday - Worked on a lesson (we email back and forth with her). Went on a mini exchange with our Sister Training Leaders. Soo much fun! We went street contacting and I loved it! Our landlord made popcorn and we played a game (Rummi Kub or something).
Saturday - Went to a baptism in the 2nd ward, we tried to get investigators to come, but oh well! Biked and bussed all day. Worked on my talk some more.
Sunday - We were finally able to attend Ward Council for the first time. Then we talked in Sacrament. I told the Elders to speak "as long as they wanted" and bless Elder B's heart he did just that! He left 12 minutes left. 6 for me and 6 for my companion. I wasn't nervous once I started talking, but it was a big relief not to have to talk for 10 minutes. I didn't even end up reading my talk. Thinking back on it, I haven't a clue what I said. That's the Holy Ghost for you. We visited 2 less actives in our ward, they are some interesting ladies.
Went on another field trip to the Neville Museum (NEW C is short staffed and don't have many volunteers so we often go with them. They pay our admission so I have no complaints and the people I get to push around are so sweet!) We are going to play basketball with the elders today.
I hope you are all doing great and loving life. Don't forget when the storm rages around, the safest spot is on your knees.
I love you all to the moon and back!

Sister Kern

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