Monday, March 17, 2014

St. Patrick's Day

I just want to thank everyone for their encouraging emails! I love reading them, even though I don't always (if hardly ever) have time to respond!

So Sister O and I forgot that it was St P's Day...We wrote the word "Green" with a green pen on our hands. It counts right?

This week was fun! Sister O and I had a peanut butter M&M fight. Originally they were for our lesson with S to teach the WOW, but he is MIA at the moment. He never missed a lesson or week at church until Thursday. We just hope he is okay!

We contacted a lot of less actives..they all wanted to feed us :b
Usually that would be beyond great, but one day we had lunch, 2 dinners, and 4 desserts within 5 hours. Sister O and I were able to roll over and die in a food coma. BUT we had great lessons with all of them! Brother P made homemade carrot/pumpkin cake (completely from scratch he grew the carrots and pumpkin) it was delicious!

We have a new investigator! She is 94 years old! The sweetest old lady! I love her so much! I can't wait to share the Plan of Salvation with her! I know it will comfort her through the loss of her husband! Pine Manor was a blast! We helped the residents cut out Shamrocks and string Cheerios onto yarn for the birds to eat. The elderly there are so sweet! Boy do they have some amazing stories to tell too! Friday a member took us out to Luigi's Pizza and we ended up finding out that some of our investigators work there! The place was pretty empty (we ate at an odd hour) so they sat and talked with us from time to time. A great blessing! 

This weekend was amazing! I LOVE Stake Conference! It filled my "spiritual bucket" to the brim and over! I love how the included the youth (12+) in the adult session. One of the speakers joined the church in October. He just graduated High School, but before he did he found out about the church. His parents threatened to disowned him if he joined, despite that he knew it was true. So in October he was baptized and disowned. Right now he is attending college and living with members. His testimony was powerful and strong. It amazes me everyday how much people give to be a part of this glorious gospel. He was a reminder that pioneers are still here to day, giving all they have for their God and Savior. 

We volunteered at the Shjazz festival (jazz players in middle school and up come and preform for scholarships). The most amazing thing happened while I was there. There was a full table of middle school boys eating lunch, one table over sat a boy alone, facing a way from them. The group of boys slowly moved there table over until it was right behind his. Then they invited him to turn around and sit with them. My faith in the youth of this day is restored! It was so touching to see them include the lone boy and soon all of them were laughing and having fun. 

This week I've focused my study on "Grace". Sister P asked us about it because she didn't quite understand what it meant. What a powerful studies I've had this week! Grace and the Atonement are so deeply intertwined with each other. It is because of the Atonement that Jesus Christ can give us grace - divine help or strength. Without grace there is now way we could ever return to live with our Father in Heaven again because of our own weaknesses. However grace is what makes it possible for us to do the good works that we, by ourselves, could never do. Grace is the enabling power of the Atonement, the power that lets us become like Him. Because of Christ we can overcome death, but because we are imperfect we are in the "hole" of sin. There is a latter to get out which we have to climb ourselves (our works). However this latter doesn't reach the top of the hole. We NEED Christ to reach down and lift us up the remainder of the way. So my challenge this week is to read: 
John 1:12
1 Cor 15:10
2 Cor 12:9-10
Bible Dictionary: Grace
thinking about grace and to ponder what Grace means to you.

I love all of you! I hope you have a fantastic St Patrick's Day!
With Buckets of Love,

Sister Kern

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